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Advances in Conceptual Modeling : ER 2013 Workshops, LSAWM, MoBiD, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM, DaSeM, SCME, and PhD Symposium, Hong Kong, China, November 11-13, 2013, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Jeffrey Parsons, Dickson Chiu

PPN=1654518654; in Bibliotheksbestand, Treffer: 1

MedienartE-Book [E-Book]
SignatureBook Springer
Titel Advances in Conceptual Modeling : ER 2013 Workshops, LSAWM, MoBiD, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM, DaSeM, SCME, and PhD Symposium, Hong Kong, China, November 11-13, 2013, Revised Selected Papers / edited by Jeffrey Parsons, Dickson Chiu
PersonParsons, Jeffrey [Verfasser/in]
Chiu, Dickson [Herausgeber/in]
VeröffentlichungCham [u.a.] : Springer, 2014
Umfang / Format Online-Ressource (XVI, 300 p. 66 illus, online resource)
Anmerkungen Literaturangaben
LSAWM 2013 - Legal and Social Aspects in Web ModelingMoBiD 2013 - International Workshop on Modeling and Management of Big Data.- RIGiM 2013 - International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modeling -- SeCoGIS 2013 - International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in GIS -- WISM 2013 - International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modeling.- DaSeM 2013 - Data Mining and Semantic Computing for Object Modeling.- SCME 2013 - Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education.- PhD Symposium 2013. .
SpracheEnglisch (Sprache des Textes)
LandDeutschland ; Schweiz
9783319141381 (Druck-Ausgabe)
Nummer9783319141381 (ISBN der Sekundärausgabe)
1654518654 (K10Plus-Nummer)
Weitere AusgabeErscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe: Advances in conceptual modeling : ER 2013 workshops, LSAWM, MoBiD, RIGiM, SeCoGIS, WISM, DaSeM, SCME, and PhD Symposium, Hong Kong, China, November 11-13, 2013 ; revised selected papers / Jeffrey Parsons; Dickson Chiu (eds.). - Cham [u.a.], 2014
Schriftenreihe (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8697)
(SpringerLink. Bücher)
Schlagwörter Computer science
Management information systems
Computer Science
Software engineering
Database management
Computer simulation
Application software.
Business information services.
Schlagwortfolge Konzeptionelle Modellierung ; World Wide Web ; Informationssystem
Konzeptionelle Modellierung ; Serviceorientierte Architektur
Konzeptionelle Modellierung ; Business Intelligence ; Datenverwaltung ; Ontologie / Wissensverarbeitung ; Wissensverarbeitung
Systematik Enzyklopädien und Handbücher. Kongressberichte Schriftenreihe. Tafeln und Formelsammlungen > Schriftenreihen (indiv. Sign.) > SS 4800 Lecture notes in computer science
Inhalt This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of workshops, held at the 32nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, ER 2013, in Hong Kong, China in November 2013. The 30 revised full papers were carefully reviewed and selected out of 57 submissions. The papers are organized in sections related to the individual workshops: LSAWM, Legal and Social Aspects in Web Modeling; MoBiD, 1st International Workshop on Modeling and Management of Big Data; RIGiM, 5th International Workshop on Requirements, Intentions and Goals in Conceptual Modeling; SeCoGIS, 7th International Workshop on Semantic and Conceptual Issues in Geographic Information Systems; WISM, 10th International Workshop on Web Information Systems Modeling; DaSeM, Data Mining and Semantic Computing for Object Modeling; SCME, 1st Symposium on Conceptual Modeling Education; and PhD Symposium. Continuing the ER tradition, the ER 2013 workshops provided researchers, students, and industry professionals with a forum to present and discuss emerging, cutting-edge topics related to conceptual modeling and its applications


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